PRTG Manual: Additional Sensor Types (Custom Sensors)
Users can create and use their own, self-written custom sensors in PRTG Network Monitor to go far beyond PRTG's standard sensor set. You can create your own sensors using Windows Management Instrumentation Query Language (WQL), visual basic scripting, PowerShell, batch scripting, and by compiling an EXE or DLL file (using any Windows software development tool).
For a general introduction, please see the sections about EXE/Script sensors and the API documentation which contains details about the necessary return format for those sensors. WMI Custom sensors allow executing WQL requests.
- EXE/Script Sensor
- EXE/Script Advanced Sensor
- SSH Script Sensor
- Application Programming Interface (API) Definition
- WMI Custom Sensor
Custom Sensors Included in PRTG
After installing PRTG Network Monitor you will already find a selection of custom EXE/Script and WMI WQL sensors in the PRTG program directory. Many of these are sample projects that you can edit and improve for your needs.
Custom Sensors Included in PRTG—Folder: \Custom Sensors\EXE
- Demo Batchfile - Returns 200.bat
- Demo Batchfile - Set sensorstate to warning.bat
- Demo Cmd - Returns 200.cmd
- Demo Dll - Returns a random integer.dll
- Demo EXE - Returns a random integer.exe
- Demo EXE - Returns number of files in folder (parameter).exe
- Demo EXE - Returns user of process.exe
- Demo Powershell Script - Available MB via WMI.ps1
- Demo Powershell Script - InterruptsPerSec via WMI.ps1
- Demo Powershell Script - Returns a fixed integer value.ps1
- Demo Powershell Script - Returns a random integer value.ps1
- Demo Powershell Script - Returns Random Integer and Warnings.ps1
- Demo VBScript - InterruptsPerSec via WMI.vbs
- Demo VBScript - Multiplies two integers(2 parameters).vbs
- Demo VBScript - Returns a fixed float value.vbs
- Demo VBScript - Returns a fixed integer value.vbs
- Demo VBScript - Returns a random value.vbs
- Demo VBScript - Returns number of svchost processes.vbs
- Demo VBScript - Returns user of process.vbs
- Demo VBScript - Returns warning depending on number of svchost processes.vbs
- Demo VBScript - UTCTime via WMI.vbs
- Load_Test_CPU_10_Mio_Primes.exe
- Load_Test_CPU_1_Mio_Primes.exe
- Load_Test_Disk_Write_Read_10000_files.exe
- Load_Test_Disk_Write_Read_1000_files.exe
- Load_Test_Memory_Allocate_And_Free_400MB.exe
To create a new sensor based on one of these files, create a new EXE/Script Sensor and choose the respective file from the drop down list.
Custom Sensors Included in PRTG—Folder: \Custom Sensors\EXEXML
- Demo Batchfile - Returns static values in four channels.bat
To create a new sensor based on one of these files, create a new EXE/Script Advanced Sensor and choose the respective file from the drop down list.
Custom Sensors Included in PRTG—Folder: \Custom Sensors\WMI WQL scripts
- Demo WQL Script - Get Win32LogicalDiscFreeMB.wql
- Demo WQL Script - Get Win32OsBuildnumber.wql
- Demo WQL Script - Get Win32PercentProcessorIdleTime.wql
- Demo WQL Script - Get Win32PercentProcessorTime.wql
To create a new sensor based on one of these files, create a new WMI Custom Sensor and choose the respective file from the drop down list.
Downloading Pre-Build Custom Sensors
A good resource is the PRTG Add-Ons website on the open source platform Google Code. There are also additional tools available.
Open Source Add-Ons for PRTG Network Monitor
For the other sensor types that work out-of-the-box, please see
Knowledge Base: How can I test if parameters are correctly transmitted to my script when using an EXE/Script sensor?
Keywords: Google,Google Code